An ethical sustainable pension fund can save 19 tonnes of carbon per year, making it one of the most impactful ways to green your finances.
Within the confines of racial capitalism, nearly every stream of money we earn or spend is funnelled up to those who are funding climate breakdown and creating injustice.
As it stands, the money in your pension – just like the money in your bank – is invested in things like weapons, deforestation, gambling, tobacco and fossil fuels. Because of these bad investments, the average UK pension pot is financing the release of 23 tonnes of CO2 emissions each year.
Green Pensions
According to research by Make Money Matter, moving the average £30k pension to a ‘sustainable fund’ can prevent up to 19 tonnes of carbon per year from being released into the atmosphere. Overpopulation of carbon in the atmosphere is what creates global warming, and causes climate breakdown.
This makes the simple act of switching to a Green Pension 21x more impactful than giving up flying, going vegetarian and switching to a renewable energy provider COMBINED. But most people aren’t aware their pensions are problematic. Nor that better options are available.

Find Out How Green Your Pension Is
In the UK, there over £2.6 trillion invested in UK pensions, nearly all of it contributing to deforestation, climate breakdown and injustice. Despite this huge cash flow in the wrong direction, almost two thirds (63%) of pension savers don’t know where their pension is invested. But, 44% of people would switch to a green pension fund if their provider offered it.
So how do we get people interested in green pensions, and make the changes ourselves?
- EDUCATE YOURSELF If you have a pension, find out what those funds are funding using this Make Money Matter tool.
- ASK YOUR PENSION PROVIDER TO GO GREEN using the same Make Money Matter tool, you can automate a letter to the trustee of your pension provider.
- TELL YOUR FAM AND FRIENDS I once had a friend ask me about what my plan for retirement was at 3AM on a nightclub dancefloor, I’m sure you can find a smoother way to cultivate the conversation with those you Love!

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