I’m reading this book right now that my sister-in-law recommended to me called ‘A Return To Love‘, in it the author talks about how love is the only true reality, that every negative feeling is caused by fear, and that fear is a hallucination. I try, with all the goodness in my heart, to not let the bubbles of anger boil up in me, nor the serpent tongue I work hard to silence not spit four letter words of fire in every language I’ve chosen to learn, at the very sight and sound of the tiny handed horror, the alleged ‘president’ of those Divided States.
Donald Trump is the embodiment of ignorance and hate. He represents for me every single thing that has gone wrong with this world, encouraging a society that is as far away from its intended existence as it ever has been or could be. With the actions, or lack there of, of Trump and many who came before him, this world has become a rather loveless place; full of war, hunger, environmental breakdown, prejudice, oppression, and violence because we have grown to care more about ourselves than we do of humanity, care more about power and money and economy than we do of the survival of all living things. Choosing ignorance over the fact that none of what they/we are hungry for will matter if the caverns in which we hoard our horrid hunt is destroyed and along with it, all living things.
Today I saw an announcement that Donald Trump has pulled out of the Paris Agreement, this from the ‘leader’ of the world’s second largest greenhouse gas emitter, claiming the treaty will ‘harm‘ American jobs. An announcement which only confirms his lack of empathy and wholehearted selfishness amongst other evil things. This agreement isn’t about a single country’s economy or or loss of jobs, this agreement is about making minimal efforts towards saving all living things. Which is why every country in the entire world has signed the agreement, apart from Syria (because, you know, we’ve waged a heinous war on them and they’ve got daily survival to think about), Nicaragua (because they rightly felt the deal did not do enough to protect the climate), and now, The United States of America (because, Trump).
Despite the imperfections of the Paris Agreement, this signals a rather damaging and serious thing. Since 1990, global emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) have increased by almost 50%. These emissions are caused by fossil fuels produced by the oil, coal and gas industries which power our cars, stoves and lights, and heat or cool our homes. They are also caused by methane, which is 70 times more damaging per ton to the earth’s atmosphere than CO2, and is formed in the burps and bottom ends of animals (mainly beef) used to produce meat and dairy on a factory level.
I’ve definitely listed these actions in other roundups, so I apologise if you’ve seen some of these before, but as they say, friendly repetition enhances retention and insights action, and thus, for myself and others, I must share these steps as often as possible.
Currently, conventional banks are among the biggest investors in the causes of climate change. Almost all of the big banks we’re familiar with (and likely do our banking with) have been accused of tax avoidance, financing the arms trade and investing in oil and nuclear industries, amongst other evils. By divesting from the bad banks you’re taking their power away and in turn, Trump’s power too. You can read more in the blog post HERE or you can watch me ramble on the VLOG instead.
Facebook is not a great source for news, though I’m as guilty as the next person for being drawn to click through. I found THIS Chrome extension via my blogger buddy Eco Cult which will flag fake news sites, as well as this extension which tells you the bias of what you’re reading. Eco Cult is a huge advocate for journalism being crucial to the environmental movement as well, and rightly so, it is through their research, investigations, digestion and delivery that people like you and me are able to hold those who do the environment and our communities wrong, to account. Get a subscription to a local, national newspaper or magazine that is credible and unbiased so you can form opinions and get information the way it was intended to be obtained. You can read Eco Cult’s article on Earth Day HERE and on Protecting The Environment HERE for more information.
If you don’t have time to stay informed, volunteer or participate (and even if you do) find a cause to donate to. My fellow Ethical Writer’s Coalition members and I put together a post just before Christmas which features a number of not-for-profits which aid authentically. You can click through to the donations post HERE if you are having trouble finding a cause to align yourself to.
It is easier to protest /care/fight climate change if you are informed about climate change. On top of subscribing to and supporting an unbiased and educational news agency, watch documentary films and read informative books. My blogger buddy Tortoise And Lady Grey has created an ethical activist book club that is worth joining for sure, I’ve also created a collection of books starting on page 4 of my Amazon bookshop (I get a few cents if you buy through these links). You can check out my bookshop HERE.
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