#GoneGreen2016 Day 7 / 365
Part of going green is staying informed, supporting activist groups you believe in, and, when the time is right, becoming an activist yourself.
There are thousands of ways to do all three with free and accessible information and activist groups galore. And you don’t have to be a hippy picketer to be an activist, you just have to find the movement you want to stand behind and utilise your skills, whether it be your voice, actions or vocation, to support a cause.
There are thousands of ways to do all three with free and accessible information and activist groups galore. And you don’t have to be a hippy picketer to be an activist, you just have to find the movement you want to stand behind and utilise your skills, whether it be your voice, actions or vocation, to support a cause.
Prince EA Stands For Trees, me, I stand against Fast Fashion industry, my friend’s Steve, Jon and Al, they stands for conservation of wildlife, another friend Catherine, she stands for Eco Tourism, my fellow Ethical Writer’s Coalition
members stand for various important issues including palm-oil free products and wildlife welfare. Each of these people, and millions more, including myself, are attempting to make a
difference, or at least support, one of the many eco industries that need
voices, attention and donations to make the change this planet needs to see.
members stand for various important issues including palm-oil free products and wildlife welfare. Each of these people, and millions more, including myself, are attempting to make a
difference, or at least support, one of the many eco industries that need
voices, attention and donations to make the change this planet needs to see.
Whatever your passion or motivation, it is
important to find one and get involved. We can’t individually make a difference
in every facet of eco warriorship, but we can definitely make a difference in
at least one.
important to find one and get involved. We can’t individually make a difference
in every facet of eco warriorship, but we can definitely make a difference in
at least one.
You don’t need to decide immediately what your movement will be. As this 365 days of discovery continues, with different themes of interest
every week, I hope there will be one that awakens you, but if not, keep your ears and eyes open, as there is bound to be one calling your name.
every week, I hope there will be one that awakens you, but if not, keep your ears and eyes open, as there is bound to be one calling your name.
To get us all started on our road to eco education, I’ve gathered Three Documentary Films I’ve seen which I found inspiring, educational and informative, they enlightened me in my eco efforts, and hopefully they’ll do the same for you:
This is one of the most visually poetic
documentaries I’ve ever seen is Planet Ocean by Yann Arthus-Bertrand, it allows
you to, in the most serene and stunning way, learn about the harms we do to our
oceans and solutions for reducing those harms. They offer it to watch for free
on Youtube HERE.
documentaries I’ve ever seen is Planet Ocean by Yann Arthus-Bertrand, it allows
you to, in the most serene and stunning way, learn about the harms we do to our
oceans and solutions for reducing those harms. They offer it to watch for free
on Youtube HERE.
the bottled water industry)
the bottled water industry)
I was both horrified and angered when I saw
this film. It examines the bottled water industry and its’ effects on our
health, climate change, pollution and its relation to the oil industry. It also
talks about how bottled water is mostly ‘stolen’ from public water sources (ie//
it is just super expensive tap water). Click for their WEBSITE HERE / rent on AMAZON HERE / rent on iTunes HERE
this film. It examines the bottled water industry and its’ effects on our
health, climate change, pollution and its relation to the oil industry. It also
talks about how bottled water is mostly ‘stolen’ from public water sources (ie//
it is just super expensive tap water). Click for their WEBSITE HERE / rent on AMAZON HERE / rent on iTunes HERE
In the documentary Racing Extinction they
suggest (with the help of scientists, environmentalists, artists , and engineers) that humans will be extinct over
the next 100 years, with no one else to blame but ourselves. They also highlight,
that in the next three years, if we allow the carbon levels to rise 3 degrees
or more, species in the ocean (like turtles and sharks) will simply
begin to disintegrate due to the rise in acidity that we’re already seeing in
the ocean due to climate change. It is a bit scary but also completely
inspiring, as we are, at this very moment, in a position to reverse our pending
doom, should we all unite in action. Click for their WEBSITE HERE / rent on AMAZON HERE / rent on iTunes HERE
suggest (with the help of scientists, environmentalists, artists , and engineers) that humans will be extinct over
the next 100 years, with no one else to blame but ourselves. They also highlight,
that in the next three years, if we allow the carbon levels to rise 3 degrees
or more, species in the ocean (like turtles and sharks) will simply
begin to disintegrate due to the rise in acidity that we’re already seeing in
the ocean due to climate change. It is a bit scary but also completely
inspiring, as we are, at this very moment, in a position to reverse our pending
doom, should we all unite in action. Click for their WEBSITE HERE / rent on AMAZON HERE / rent on iTunes HERE
To top all that horizontal education off, I’ve got a list of Five Wonderful Organisations you can stand behind in the fight for our water; whether it be the bottled variety, the ocean variety, or the fight for conservation:
Unknown says
I don't think I have seen any of those documentaries! Adding to my queue now…